Monday, October 22, 2012

Scary Tree

Well, it's not really a scary tree, but it could be!  I have seen these and they are so cute!  The idea?  Pick up stray branches from around your yard, spray paint them black and put them in a container of some sort and decorate.  I found my branches, on clearance last year after Halloween, at Kmart.  They have LED lights woven into them.  I definitely think that the random branches outside would be really a lot more cute than my long straggly branches.

I started out with a vase and wrapped orange paper around it and stuck it to the glass with double stick tape.

Then I wrapped the ribbon around to break up all the orange.  I cut the bats out on my Cricut and used wall tacky to stick them to my branches and vase.

 I let the kids stick the bats to the branches and turn it on.

Here is my outdoor one with spray painted branches.

Shazzaaam!  A cheap and cute Halloween project that is relatively easy!

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