Friday, October 26, 2012

Spiderweb Cupcakes

Who are these for????  Famous question in my house.   Life is so busy, anytime that I bake something there is usually a good reason.  It generally consists of giving the baked good away.  So my kids are always very excited when I can say, "for you guys".

Here's what you will need:
white, orange, purple, or green frosting
small amount of black frosting, small tube with a small circle tip or you will need a baggie
knife or toothpick

These are super easy!  Just whip up your favorite cupcake recipe and frost with your favorite frosting.

Get your black frosting.  I cheated and bought a tube of black for this batch since I didn't need very much at all.  You either want to put the frosting in a baggie and snip a very little hole or use a decorating tip with a small hole.  I like to practice my method on a paper plate first to get the right consistency.

Make some bullseyes.

I noticed that this tube of black frosting needs to be pushed down into the white just a little bit so the web turns out better, otherwise your black piping might roll as you pull the knife or toothpick through.
Wet your index finger and lightly tap the black piping down.

Then grab a butter knife or toothpick and start at the center of your bullseye and lightly drag a strait line out to the edge (you don't have to go too deep into the frosting), repeat 5 or 6 times.  You may need to wipe off the knife or toothpick several times to keep your work clean.

When your webs are done you can add a scary spider to the middle.

I was putting the black on these yesterday when my kids got home and my 9 year old son wanted to help.  He thought it was awesome!  This is easily a project that the kids would love to help with.

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